§ 15.2-6619. Appropriation by political subdivision.
Any participating political subdivision, or other political subdivision ofthe Commonwealth, is authorized to provide services, to donate real orpersonal property and to make appropriations to the Authority for theacquisition, construction, maintenance, and operation of the Authority'sfacilities. Any such political subdivision is hereby authorized to issue itsbonds, including general obligation bonds, in the manner provided in thePublic Finance Act (§ 15.2-2600 et seq.) or in any applicable municipalcharter for the purpose of providing funds to be appropriated to theAuthority, and such political subdivisions may enter into contractsobligating such bond proceeds to the Authority.
The Authority may agree to assume, or reimburse a participating politicalsubdivision for any indebtedness incurred by, such participating politicalsubdivision with respect to facilities conveyed by it to the Authority.
(2002, c. 766.)