§ 15.2-6801. Authority created.
There is hereby created a political subdivision of the Commonwealth known asthe Williamsburg Area Transit Authority, hereinafter known as "theAuthority."
In addition to such other powers vested in the Authority by this chapter, theAuthority shall have the following powers and functions:
1. The Authority shall prepare a regional transit plan for all or a portionof the areas located within the jurisdictional boundaries of each memberlocality. The regional transit plan may include all or portions of thoseareas within the City of Williamsburg, the County of James City and suchportions of York County as its governing body desires to have covered, andthe areas owned or operated by the College of William and Mary and theColonial Williamsburg Foundation, to include, but not necessarily be limitedto, transit improvements of regional significance, and those improvementsnecessary or incidental thereto, and shall from time to time revise and amendthe plan.
2. The Authority may, when a transit plan is adopted according to subdivision1, construct or acquire, by purchase, lease, contract, or otherwise, thetransit facilities specified in such transit plan.
3. The Authority may enter into agreements or leases with public or privateentities for the operation of its facilities, or may operate such facilitiesitself.
4. The Authority may enter into contracts or agreements with the counties andcities embraced by the Authority, with other transit commissions oftransportation districts adjoining any county or city embraced by theAuthority, with any transportation authority, or with any state, local,private, or federal entity to provide, or cause to be provided, transitfacilities and services to the area embraced by the Authority. Such contractsor agreements, together with any agreements or leases for the operation ofsuch facilities, may be used by the Authority to finance the construction andoperation of transit facilities and such contracts, agreements, or leasesshall inure to the benefit of any creditor of the Authority.
5. Notwithstanding any other provision of law to the contrary the Authoritymay:
a. Acquire land or any interest therein by purchase, lease, or gift andprovide transit facilities thereon for use in connection with any transitservice;
b. Acquire land or any interest therein by purchase, lease, or gift inadvance of the need for sale or contribution to an agency, for use by thatagency in connection with an adopted transit plan;
c. Prepare a plan for mass transit services with persons, cities, counties,agencies, authorities, or transportation commissions and may further contractwith any such person or other entity to provide necessary facilities,equipment, operations and maintenance, access, and insurance pursuant to suchplan.
(2006, c. 179.)