§ 15.2-6809. Other duties and responsibilities of Authority.
In addition to other powers herein granted, the Authority shall have thefollowing duties and responsibilities:
1. General oversight of Williamsburg area programs involving mass transit orcongestion mitigation;
2. Long-range transit planning in the Williamsburg area, both financiallyconstrained and unconstrained;
3. Recommending to state, regional, and federal agencies regional transitpriorities, including public-private transit projects and funding allocations;
4. Allocating to priority regional transit projects any funds made availableto the Authority and, at the discretion of the Authority, directly overseeingsuch projects;
5. Recommending to the Commonwealth Transportation Board priority regionaltransit projects for receipt of federal and state funds;
6. Serving as an advocate for the transit needs of the Williamsburg areabefore the state and federal governments;
7. Applying to and negotiating with the government of the United States, theCommonwealth of Virginia, or any agency or instrumentality thereof, forgrants and any other funds available to carry out the purposes of thischapter and receiving, holding, accepting, and administering from any sourcegifts, bequests, grants, aid, or contributions of money, property, labor, orother things of value to be held, used, and applied to carry out the purposesof this chapter subject, however, to any conditions upon which gifts,bequests, grants, aid, or contributions are made. Unless otherwise restrictedby the terms of the gift, bequest, or grant, the Authority may sell,exchange, or otherwise dispose of such money, securities, or other propertygiven or bequeathed to it in furtherance of its purposes.
(2006, c. 179.)