§ 15.2-706. Duties of county manager; compensation; appointment of officersand employees.
The administrative and executive powers of the county, including the power ofappointment of all officers and employees whose appointment or election isnot otherwise provided by law, are vested in the county manager, who shall beappointed by the board at its first meeting or as soon thereafter aspracticable. The county manager need not be a resident of the county or ofthe Commonwealth. He shall receive such compensation as shall be fixed by theboard. The officers whose election by popular vote is provided for in ArticleVII, Section 4 of the Constitution of Virginia, the school board and thesuperintendent of schools shall not be subject to appointment but shall beselected in the manner prescribed by law. The heads of all departments otherthan those hereinbefore referred to and excepted from the provisions of thissection shall be selected by the county board. However, if a majority of thequalified voters voting in the election required by § 15.2-716 vote in favorthereof, then the heads of the several county departments, other than thosehereinbefore referred to and excepted from the provisions of this sectionshall be appointed by the county manager.
(Code 1950, § 15-352; 1952, c. 198; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-677; 1971, Ex.Sess., c. 1; 1997, c. 587.)