§ 15.2-708. Term of office of county manager; salary and performance ofduties; acting manager in case of temporary absence or disability; removal orsuspension.
The term of office of the county manager shall expire on June 30 of eachyear. Except as hereinafter provided, he shall be notified at least sixtydays before the expiration of his term if his services are not desired forthe ensuing twelve-month period. He shall receive such annual salary as theboard may prescribe payable from county funds. He shall devote his full timeto the performance of the duties imposed on him by law, and the performanceof such other duties as the board directs.
To perform his duties during his temporary absence or disability the managermay designate by letter filed with the clerk of the board a qualifiedadministrative officer of the county to be acting manager. If the managerfails to make such designation, the board may, by resolution, appoint anofficer of the county to perform the duties of the manager until he returnsor his disability ceases.
The board may at any time remove the county manager for neglect of duty,malfeasance or misfeasance in office, or incompetency. If a majority of thequalified voters voting in the election required by § 15.2-301 vote in favorthereof, the county manager shall be appointed for an indefinite period andbe subject to removal by the county board at any time, any other provision oflaw to the contrary notwithstanding. If the board determines to remove thecounty manager, he shall be given, if he so requests, a written statement ofthe reasons alleged for the proposed removal and the right of a hearingthereon at a public meeting of the board prior to the date on which his finalremoval takes effect. Pending and during such hearing the board may suspendhim from office, provided that the period of suspension be limited to thirtydays. The action of the board in suspending or removing the county managershall not be subject to review.
(Code 1950, § 15-352.2; 1952, c. 198; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-679; 1997, c. 587;1999, c. 136.)