§ 15.2-726. Acquisition of easements.
A. The board is hereby authorized, without limiting its authority to acquireby other means, to acquire by gift or purchase easements in gross or suchother interest in real estate as are designed to maintain (i) the characterand use of improved real property as rental property and not in a cooperativeor condominium form of ownership or (ii) the market rents of a portion of theunits in any multi-family residential property at a percentage of the marketrent for the remaining units in the multi-family residential property, suchpercentages to be defined and stated in the easement; however, no property orinterest therein shall be acquired by eminent domain by any public body forthe purposes of provision (ii). However, this provision shall not limit thepower of eminent domain as it was possessed by any public body prior topassage of provision (ii). Any such interest shall be for the minimum periodspecified by the county board and may be perpetual.
B. The county manager is hereby authorized to acquire, on behalf of theboard, temporary construction easements, provided that such easements are (i)required for a construction project authorized by the board; (ii) of aduration that will end before or upon the completion of the project; and(iii) for nominal consideration.
(1983, c. 364, § 15.1-687.4; 1991, c. 143; 1997, c. 587; 2004, cc. 22, 510.)