§ 15.2-738. Modification of grievance procedure.
Notwithstanding the provisions in Chapter 10 (§ 2.2-1000 et seq.) of Title2.2, and §§ 15.2-1506, and 15.2-1507, to the contrary, in any county whichhas the county manager plan of government provided for in this chapter, agrievance procedure may be established which permits an Equal EmploymentOpportunity officer, except the Director of the Department of EmploymentDispute Resolution appointed pursuant to § 2.2-1000 and any employeesthereof, to be present at any step of a grievance procedure established under§ 15.2-1506. Such officer shall not be an advocate or representative onbehalf of either the grievant or management.
(1989, c. 622, § 15.1-687.16; 1991, c. 143; 1995, cc. 770, 818; 1996, cc.164, 869; 1997, c. 587; 2000, cc. 947, 1006.)