§ 15.2-741. Regulation of child-care services and facilities in certaincounties.
A. The board may by ordinance provide for the regulation and licensing of (i)persons who provide child-care services for remuneration and (ii) child-carefacilities. "Child-care services" includes regular care, protection, orguidance during a part of a day to one or more children, not related by bloodor marriage to the provider of services, while they are not attended by theirparent, guardian, or person with legal custody. "Child-care facilities"includes any commercial or residential structure which is used to providechild-care services for remuneration. However, such ordinance shall notrequire the regulation or licensing of any facility operated by a religiousinstitution as exempted from licensure by § 63.2-1716.
B. Such ordinance may be more restrictive or more extensive in scope thanstatutes or state regulations that may affect child-care services orchild-care facilities, provided that such ordinance shall not imposeadditional requirements or restrictions on the construction or materials tobe used in the erection, alteration, repair, or use of a residential dwelling.
(1990, c. 545, § 15.1-687.19; 1997, c. 587.)