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15.2-7002 - Powers of the Authority.

§ 15.2-7002. Powers of the Authority.

In order to alleviate highway congestion, promote highway safety, expandhighway construction, increase the utility and benefits and extend theservices of public highways including bridges, tunnels and other highwayfacilities, both free and toll, and otherwise contribute to the economy,industrial and agricultural development, and welfare of the Commonwealth andthe City of Richmond and Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield, the Authorityshall have the following powers:

1. To contract and be contracted with; to sue and be sued; and to adopt anduse a seal and to alter the same at its pleasure;

2. To acquire and hold real or personal property necessary or convenient forits purposes;

3. To sell, lease, or otherwise dispose of any personal or real property orrights, easements, or estates therein deemed by the Authority not necessaryfor its purposes;

4. To purchase, construct or otherwise acquire, maintain, repair, andoperate, or cause to be repaired, maintained, and operated, limited accesshighways within the corporate limits of the City of Richmond and the Countiesof Chesterfield and Henrico, including all bridges, tunnels, overpasses,underpasses, grade separations, interchanges, entrance plazas, approaches,tollhouses and administration, storage and other buildings and facilitiesthat the Authority may deem necessary or convenient for the operation of suchlimited access highways. Title to any property acquired by the Authorityshall be taken in the name of the Authority;

5. With the approval of the Council of the City of Richmond and the Boards ofSupervisors of the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield to own, operate,maintain and provide rapid and other transit facilities and services for thetransportation of the public, and to enter into contracts with said City andCounty or Counties and any public service corporations doing business ascommon carriers of passengers and property for the use of Authorityfacilities for such purpose, to enter into contracts for the transportationof passengers and property over facilities of jurisdictions other than theAuthority, as well as the property and facilities of the Authority, andconstruct, acquire, operate, and maintain any other properties andfacilities, including such offices and commercial facilities in connectiontherewith as are deemed necessary or convenient by the Authority, for therelief of traffic congestion, or to provide vehicular parking, or to promotetransportation of persons and property, or to promote the flow of commercethat the Council of the City of Richmond and the Boards of Supervisors of theCounties of Chesterfield and Henrico may request the Authority to provide;

6. With the approval of the Council of the City of Richmond and the Boards ofSupervisors of the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield to acquire land;construct, own and operate sports facilities of any nature includingfacilities reasonably related thereto and own a baseball stadium ofsufficient seating capacity and quality for the playing of baseball at thelevel immediately below Major League Baseball and to lease such land,stadium, sports facilities, and attendant facilities under such terms andconditions as the Authority may prescribe. In the event of a conflict betweenthe provisions of this subdivision and any bond indenture to which theAuthority is subject, the provisions of the bond indenture shall becontrolling;

7. To acquire by the exercise of the power of eminent domain any lands,property, rights, rights-of-way, franchises, easements, and other property,including public lands, parks, playgrounds, reservations, highways, orparkways, or parts thereof or rights therein, of any person, copartnership,association, railroad, public service, public utility or other corporation,or of any municipality, county or other political subdivision, deemednecessary or convenient for the construction or the efficient operation ofthe project or necessary in the restoration, replacement or relocation ofpublic or private property damaged or destroyed, whenever a reasonable pricecannot be agreed upon with the governing body of such municipality, county,or other political subdivision as to such property owned by it, or wheneverthe Authority cannot agree on the terms of purchase or settlement with theother owner or owners because of the incapacity of such owner or owners orbecause of the inability to agree on the compensation to be paid or otherterms of settlement or purchase, or because such owner or owners arenonresidents of the Commonwealth, or are unknown, or are unable to conveyvalid title to such property. Such proceedings shall be in accordance withand subject to the provisions of any and all laws of the Commonwealthapplicable to the exercise of the power of eminent domain in the name of theCommonwealth Transportation Commissioner and subject to the provisions of §25.1-102 as fully as if the Authority were a corporation possessing the powerof eminent domain; however, title to any property condemned by the Authorityshall immediately vest in the Authority and the Authority shall be entitledto the immediate possession of such property upon the deposit with the clerkof the court in which such condemnation proceedings are originated, of thetotal amount of the appraised price of the property and court costs and feesas provided by said laws, notwithstanding that any of the parties to suchproceedings shall appeal from any decision in such condemnation proceeding.Whenever the Authority makes such deposit in connection with any condemnationproceeding, the making of such deposit shall not preclude the Authority fromappealing any decision rendered in such proceedings. Upon the deposit withthe clerk of the court of the appraised price, any person entitled theretomay, upon petition to the court, be paid his or their pro rata share of 90percent of such appraised price. The acceptance of such payment shall notpreclude such person from appealing any decision rendered in suchproceedings. If the appraisement is greater or less than the amount finallydetermined by the decision in such proceeding or by an appeal, the amount ofthe increase or decrease shall be paid by or refunded to the Authority.

The terms "appraised price" and "appraisement" as used in thissubdivision mean the value determined by two competent real estate appraisersappointed by the Authority for such purposes.

The acquisition of any such property by condemnation or by the exercise ofthe power of eminent domain shall be and is hereby declared to be a publicuse of such property;

8. To determine the location of any limited access highways constructed oracquired by the Authority, subject to the approval of the CommonwealthTransportation Board and to determine the design standards and materials ofconstruction of such highways;

9. To designate with the approval of the Commonwealth Transportation Boardthe location in the City of Richmond and in the Counties of Henrico andChesterfield, and establish, limit, and control such points of ingress to andegress from any limited access highway constructed by the Authority withinthe corporate limits of said City and Counties as may be necessary ordesirable in the judgment of the Authority to insure the proper operation andmaintenance of such highway; to prohibit entrance to and exit from suchhighway from any point or points not so designated; and to construct,maintain, repair, and operate service roads connecting with points of ingressto and egress from such highway at such locations in the City of Richmond andin the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield as may be designated by theAuthority;

10. To make and enter into all contracts and agreements necessary orincidental to the performance of its duties and the execution of its powersunder this chapter, including contracts or agreements authorized by thischapter with the Commonwealth Transportation Board, the City of Richmond, andthe Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield;

11. To construct grade separations at intersections of any limited accesshighway constructed by the Authority with public highways, streets or otherpublic ways or places, and to change and adjust the lines and grades thereofso as to accommodate the same to the design of the grade separation; the costof such grade separations and any damage incurred in changing and adjustingthe lines and grades of such highways, streets, ways and places shall beascertained and paid by the Authority as a part of the cost of such highway;

12. To vacate or change the location of any portion of any public highway,street or other public way or place, public utility, sewer, pipe, main,conduit, cable, wire, tower, pole, and other equipment and appliance of theCommonwealth, the City of Richmond or of the Counties of Henrico andChesterfield, and to reconstruct the same in such new location as shall bedesignated by the Authority, and of substantially the same type and in asgood condition as the original highway, street, way, place, public utility,sewer, pipe, main, conduit, cable, wire, tower, pole, equipment or appliance;with the cost of such reconstruction and any damage incurred in vacating orchanging the location thereof shall be ascertained and paid by the Authorityas a part of the cost of the project in connection with which suchexpenditures were made; and any public highway, street or other public way orplace vacated or relocated by the Authority shall be vacated or relocated inthe manner provided by law for the vacation or relocation of public roads,and any damages awarded on account thereof shall be paid by the Authority asa part of the cost of said project;

13. To enter upon any lands, waters, and premises for the purpose of makingsuch surveys, soundings, borings, and examinations as the Authority may deemnecessary or convenient for its purposes, and such entry shall not be deemeda trespass, nor shall an entry for such purposes be deemed an entry under anycondemnation proceedings; however, the Authority shall pay any actual damageresulting to such lands, water, and premises as a result of such entry andactivities;

14. To operate or permit the operation of vehicles for the transportation ofpersons or property for compensation on any limited access highwayconstructed or acquired by the Authority, provided the Department of MotorVehicles or the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration shall not bedivested of jurisdiction to authorize or regulate the operation of suchcarriers;

15. To establish reasonable regulations for the installation, construction,maintenance, repair, renewal, relocation, and removal of pipes, mains,sewers, conduits, cables, wires, towers, poles, and other equipment andappliances (herein referred to as public utility facilities) of the City ofRichmond and the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield and of public utilityand public service corporations and of any person, firm or other corporationrendering similar services, owning or operating public utility facilities in,on, along, over or under highways constructed by the Authority; and wheneverthe Authority shall determine that it is necessary that any public utilityfacilities should be relocated or removed, the Authority may relocate orremove the public utility facilities in accordance with the regulations ofthe Authority, and the cost and expense of such relocation or removal,including the cost of installing the public utility facilities in a newlocation or locations and the cost of any lands or any rights or interests inlands and any other rights acquired to accomplish such relocation or removalshall be paid by the Authority as a part of the cost of such highway, and theowner or operator of the public utility facilities may maintain and operatethe public utility facilities with the necessary appurtenances in the newlocation or locations for as long a period and upon the same terms andconditions as it had the right to maintain and operate the public utilityfacilities in their former location or locations;

16. To borrow money and issue bonds, notes, or other evidences ofindebtedness for any of its corporate purposes, such bonds, notes, or otherevidences of indebtedness to be payable solely from the revenues or otherunencumbered funds available to the Authority that are pledged to the paymentof such bonds, notes, or other evidences of indebtedness;

17. To fix, charge, and collect fees, tolls, rents, rates, and other chargesfor the use of Authority facilities and the several parts or sections thereof;

18. To establish rules and regulations for the use of any of the Authorityfacilities as may be necessary or expedient in the interest of public safetywith respect to the use of Authority facilities and property under thecontrol of the Authority;

19. To employ consulting engineers, attorneys, accountants, construction andfinancial experts, superintendents, managers, trustees, depositaries, payingagents, and such other employees and agents as may be necessary in thediscretion of the Authority to construct, acquire, maintain, and operateAuthority facilities and to fix their compensation;

20. To receive and accept from any federal agency for or in aid of theconstruction of any Authority facility or for or in aid of any Authorityundertaking authorized by this chapter, and to receive and accept from theCommonwealth, the City of Richmond or the Counties of Henrico andChesterfield and from any other source, grants, contributions, or other aidin such construction or undertaking, or for operation and maintenance, eitherin money, property, labor, materials, or other things of value; and

21. To do all other acts and things necessary or convenient to carry out thepowers expressly granted in this chapter.

(2009, c. 471.)

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