§ 15.2-7012. General powers of City of Richmond and Counties of Henrico andChesterfield.
The City of Richmond and the Counties of Henrico and Chesterfield may enterinto and perform contracts or agreements with the Authority providing forfurnishing to the Authority one or more of the following cooperativeundertakings or any combination thereof:
1. The preparation, acquisition, loan, or exchange of survey, engineering,borings, construction and other technical reports, studies, plans, and data;
2. The providing of engineering, planning and other professional andtechnical services, labor, or other things of value;
3. The construction, in whole or in part, of public highways, bridges,tunnels, viaducts, interchanges, connecting roads, grade crossings, and otherhighway facilities;
4. The providing of funds in lump sums or installments to assist in payingthe cost of any Authority facility or any Authority undertaking authorized bythis chapter or the operation and maintenance thereof;
5. The acquisition and transfer to the Authority of land, includingeasements, rights-of-way, or other property, useful in the construction,operation, or maintenance of any Authority facility;
6. The making of payments or contributions to the Authority for the use of orin compensation for the services rendered by any Authority facility in lieuof the payment of tolls or other charges therefor, and such payments andcontributions shall be deemed revenues of the project to the same extent asthe tolls, rentals, fees, and other charges collected in the operation of theproject;
7. When requested by the Authority, to vacate or change the location of anypublic highway, street or other public way or place, or any portion thereof,public utility, sewer, pipe, main, conduit, cable, wire, tower, pole, andother equipment or appliance owned or controlled by or under the jurisdictionof either the City of Richmond or the County of Henrico or Chesterfield, inthe manner required or authorized by law conferring such power on the City ofRichmond or the County of Henrico or Chesterfield, and to construct the samein such new location as shall be designated by the governing body of the Cityof Richmond or the County of Henrico or Chesterfield, and the cost ofvacating or changing the location or reconstruction thereof and any damagesresulting therefrom required to be paid by the City of Richmond or County ofHenrico or Chesterfield shall be reimbursed by the Authority as a part of thecost of the project in connection with which such expenditures have beenmade; and
8. The connection of any project of the Authority with the streets, highways,roads, and other public ways in the City of Richmond and in the Counties ofHenrico and Chesterfield.
(2009, c. 471.)