§ 15.2-7301. Definitions.
As used in this chapter, unless the context requires a different meaning:
"Adjacent to such Authority" means real or personal property that iscontiguous, neighboring, or within reasonable proximity of Fort Monroe.
"Area of operation" means an area coextensive with the territorialboundaries of the land acquired or to be acquired from the federal governmentby the Authority.
"Authority" means the Fort Monroe Authority.
"Bonds" means any bonds, notes, interim certificates, debentures, or otherobligations issued by an authority pursuant to this chapter.
"Facility" means a particular building or structure or particular buildingsor structures, including all equipment, appurtenances, and accessoriesnecessary or appropriate for the operation of such facility.
"Project" means any specific enterprise undertaken by an authority,including the facilities as defined in this chapter, and all other property,real or personal, or any interest therein, necessary or appropriate for theoperation of such property.
"Real property" means all lands, including improvements and fixturesthereon, and property of any nature appurtenant thereto, or used inconnection therewith, and every estate, interest, and right, legal orequitable, therein, including terms for years and liens by way of judgment,mortgage, or otherwise and the indebtedness secured by such liens.
"Trustees" means the members of the Board of Trustees of the Authority.
(2010, cc. 338, 460.)