§ 15.2-7302. Board of Trustees; membership.
There is hereby created a political subdivision and public body corporate andpolitic of the Commonwealth of Virginia to be known as the Fort MonroeAuthority, to be governed by a Board of Trustees consisting of 11 votingmembers appointed as follows: the Secretary of Natural Resources and theSecretary of Commerce and Trade, or their successor positions if thosepositions no longer exist, from the Governor's cabinet; the member of theSenate of Virginia and the member of the House of Delegates representing thedistrict in which Fort Monroe lies; two members appointed by the Hampton CityCouncil; and five nonlegislative citizen members appointed by the Governor,four of whom shall have expertise relevant to the implementation of the FortMonroe Reuse Plan, including but not limited to the fields of historicpreservation, tourism, environment, real estate, finance, and education, andone of whom shall be a citizen representative from the Hampton Roads region.Cabinet members and elected representatives shall serve terms commensuratewith their terms of office. Citizen appointees shall initially be appointedfor staggered terms of either one, two, or three years, and thereafter shallserve for four-year terms. Cabinet members shall be entitled to send theirdeputies or other cabinet member, and legislative members another legislator,to meetings as full voting members in the event that official duties requiretheir presence elsewhere. The Governor's Assistant for CommonwealthPreparedness may serve as an ex officio, nonvoting member of the board.
The Board so appointed shall enter upon the performance of its duties andshall initially and annually thereafter elect one of its members as chairmanand another as vice-chairman, and shall also elect annually a secretary orsecretary-treasurer who need not be a member of the Board. The chairman, orin his absence the vice-chairman, shall preside at all meetings of the Board,and in the absence of both the chairman and vice-chairman, the Board shallelect a chairman pro tempore who shall preside at such meetings. Six Trusteesshall constitute a quorum, and all action by the Board shall require theaffirmative vote of a majority of the Trustees present and voting, exceptthat any action to amend or terminate the existing Reuse Plan, or to adopt anew Reuse Plan, shall require the affirmative vote of 75 percent or more ofthe Trustees present and voting. The members of the Board shall be entitledto reimbursement for expenses incurred in attendance upon meetings of theBoard or while otherwise engaged in the discharge of their duties. Suchexpenses shall be paid out of the treasury of the Authority in such manner asshall be prescribed by the Authority.
(2010, cc. 338, 460.)