§ 15.2-7305. Payments to Commonwealth or political subdivisions thereof.
No locality shall be required to provide proprietary municipal servicesincluding, but not limited to, utility services to residents and businessesat Fort Monroe, except in accordance with an agreement between the Authorityand such locality. The Authority may agree to make such payments to theCommonwealth, a locality, or any political subdivision thereof, whichpayments such bodies are hereby authorized to accept, as the Authority findsconsistent with the purposes for which the Authority has been created,including but not limited to the municipal services set forth herein. Thesepayments shall adequately and fairly reimburse the Commonwealth, locality, orpolitical subdivision for the cost of providing such services so that theservices are provided at no increased, incremental cost to the provider. Ifthe provider makes improvements to its system, the Authority shall only berequired to pay its proportionate share of the cost of such improvements.Fees charged pursuant to this agreement shall not be higher than thosecharged for other, similarly situated residents of the locality or recipientsof the proprietary services.
(2010, cc. 338, 460.)