§ 15.2-804. Appointment, qualifications and compensation of urban countyexecutive; to devote full time to work.
The board shall appoint an urban county executive and fix his compensation.He shall devote his full time to the work of the county. He shall beappointed with regard to merit only, and need not be a resident of the countyat the time of his appointment. No member of the board shall, during the timefor which he has been elected, be chosen urban county executive, nor shallsuch powers be given to a person who at the same time is filling an electiveoffice. The head of one of the departments of the county government may,however, also be appointed urban county executive.
(Code 1950, § 15-384.19; 1960, c. 382; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-731; 1997, c.587.)