§ 15.2-816. Maintenance of certain sewer lines.
Upon petition of a majority of the affected property owners ormembers of an affected owners' association, (i) the county may take over themaintenance of undersized sewer lines installed as a result of the county'swaiver of its adopted requirements developed under this title or Title 62.1;and (ii) the county shall be granted the right to convert the undersized sewerlines to county standards at its expense, if the county deems the conversion tobe in its best interests for health or economic reasons; or (iii) if theproperty owners or their associations elect to convert the undersized sewerlines to county standards, the county may take over and maintain at countyexpense the converted sewer lines.
The cost for the maintenance of such lines shall be borne bythe county general fund; or the county, at its discretion, may incorporate thesewer lines into an existing sanitary district for uniformity of maintenanceand cost/budget allocations.
If the county determines that the builder/dveloper installedthe undersized lines without the express permission of the appropriate countyagency, then the county may collect the cost of conversion from thebuilder/developer; however, the county shall bear the ongoing cost ofmaintenance.
This section applies only to sewer lines installed on orbefore January 1, 1987.
(1987, c. 253, § 15.1-730.2; 1997, c. 587.)