§ 15.2-847. Budget; board to fix salaries and allowances.
Each year at least two weeks before the board must prepare its proposedannual budget, the urban county executive shall prepare and submit to theboard a budget presenting a financial plan for conducting the county'saffairs for the ensuing year. The budget shall be set up in the mannerprescribed by general law. Hearings thereon shall be held and notice thereofgiven and the budget adopted in accordance with such general law. The boardshall establish the salary and allowances of all county employees.
(Code 1950, § 15-384.66; 1960, c. 382; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-779; 1966, c.464; 1968, c. 797; 1975, c. 143; 1997, c. 587.)