§ 15.2-848. Compensation of officers and employees; fee system abolished.
All county officers and employees shall be paid regular compensation and thefee system as a method of compensation in the county shall be abolished,except as to those officers not affected by the adoption of this form ofcounty organization and government. All such officers and employees shall,however, continue to collect all fees and charges provided for by generallaw, shall keep a record thereof, and shall promptly transmit all such feesand charges collected to the director of finance, who shall promptly receipttherefor. Such officers shall also keep such other records as are required by§ 17.1-283. All fees and commissions, which but for this section would bepaid to such officers by the Commonwealth for services rendered, shall bepaid into the county treasury.
The excess, if any, of the fees collected by each of the officers mentionedin § 17.1-283 or collected by anyone exercising the powers of and performingthe duties of any such officers, over (i) the allowance to which suchofficers would be entitled by general law but for the provisions of thissection and (ii) expenses in such amount as allowed by the Compensation Boardshall be paid, one third into the state treasury and two thirds to the county.
Any county officer or employee who fails or refuses to collect any fee whichis collectible and should be collected under the provisions of this section,or who fails or refuses to pay any fee so collected to the county as hereinprovided, shall upon conviction be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor.
(Code 1950, § 15-384.68; 1960, c. 382; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-781; 1997, c.587.)