§ 15.2-902. Authority of locality to control certain noxiousweeds.
A. Any locality may by ordinance prevent, control and abatethe growth, importation, spread and contamination of uninfested lands by thespecies of grass Sorghum halepense, commonly known as Johnson grass or by thewoody shrub rosa multiflora, commonly known as multiflora rose.
The Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Servicesis authorized to provide financial and technical assistance to, and enter intoagreements with, any locality which adopts an ordinance for the control ofJohnson grass or multiflora rose.
B. Any locality may by ordinance control the growth of muskthistle, the weed designated as Carduus nutans L., a biennial weed of theCompositae family, or curled thistle, the weed designated as Carduusacanthoides L., an annual and biennial weed of the Compositae family. Any suchmusk thistle or curled thistle growing in the locality may be declared a publicnuisance and noxious weed, harmful to plant and grass growth and to pastures,and may be destroyed.
(1984, c. 216, § 15.1-28.4; 1997, c. 587; 2008, c. 860.)