§ 15.2-911. Regulation of alarm company operators.
A. Any locality may by ordinance regulate the installation and maintenance ofalarm systems operated by alarm company operators.
B. As used in this section, an "alarm company operator" means and includesany business operated for profit, engaged in the installation, maintenance,alteration, or servicing of alarm systems or which responds to such alarmsystems. Such term, however, shall not include alarm systems maintained bygovernmental agencies or departments, nor shall it include a business whichmerely sells from a fixed location or manufactures alarm systems unless suchbusiness services, installs, monitors or responds to alarm systems at theprotected premises.
C. As used in this section, the term "alarm system" means an assembly ofequipment and devices arranged to signal the presence of a hazard requiringurgent attention and to which police or firefighters are expected to respond.Such system may be installed, maintained, altered or serviced by an alarmcompany operator in both commercial and residential premises.
(1978, c. 587, § 15.1-28.2; 1997, c. 587.)