§ 15.2-912. Regulation of tattoo parlors and body-piercing salons;definition; exception.
A. Any locality may by ordinance regulate the sanitary condition of thepersonnel, equipment and premises of tattoo parlors and body-piercing salonsand specify procedures for enforcement of compliance with the disease controland disclosure requirements of § 18.2-371.3.
B. For the purposes of this section:
"Body-piercing salon" means any place in which a fee is charged for the actof penetrating the skin to make a hole, mark, or scar, generally permanent innature. "Body piercing" does not include the use of a mechanized,presterilized ear-piercing system that penetrates the outer perimeter or lobeof the ear or both.
"Tattoo parlor" means any place in which is offered or practiced theplacing of designs, letters, scrolls, figures, symbols or any other marksupon or under the skin of any person with ink or any other substance,resulting in the permanent coloration of the skin, including permanentmake-up or permanent jewelry, by the aid of needles or any other instrumentdesigned to touch or puncture the skin.
C. This section shall not apply to medical doctors, veterinarians, registerednurses or any other medical services personnel licensed pursuant to Title54.1 in performance of their professional duties.
D. Localities requiring regulation of tattoo parlors and piercing salons byordinance shall include in such ordinance authorization for unannouncedinspections by appropriate personnel of the locality.
(1983, c. 429, § 15.1-28.3; 1997, c. 587; 2000, c. 842; 2001, c. 270.)