§ 15.2-912.3. Regulation of dance halls by counties, cities and towns.
For the purposes of this section, "public dance hall" means any place opento the general public where dancing is permitted; however, a restaurantlocated in any city licensed under § 4.1-210 to serve food and beverageshaving a dance floor with an area not exceeding 10 percent of the total floorarea of the establishment shall not be considered a public dance hall.
Any locality may by ordinance regulate public dance halls in such locality,and prescribe punishment for violation of such ordinance not to exceed thatprescribed for a Class 3 misdemeanor.
Such ordinance shall prescribe for: (i) the issuance of permits to operatepublic dance halls, grounds for revocation and procedure for revocation ofsuch permits; (ii) a license tax not to exceed $600 on every person operatingor conducting any such dance hall; and (iii) rules and regulations for theoperation of such dance halls. Such ordinances may exempt from theiroperation dances held for benevolent or charitable purposes and dancesconducted under the auspices of religious, educational, civic or militaryorganizations.
No county ordinance adopted under the provisions of this section shall be ineffect in any town in which an ordinance adopted under the provisions of thissection is in effect.
(Code 1950, § 18.1-354; 1960, c. 358; 1962, c. 620; 1975, cc. 14, 15, §18.2-433; 1978, c. 661; 1993, c. 866; 2004, c. 462.)