§ 15.2-915.1. Limitations on authority of localities to bring lawsuits.
No locality shall have the authority to bring suit against a firearms orammunition marketer, manufacturer, distributor, dealer, seller, or tradeassociation for damages, abatement, injunctive relief or any other remedyresulting from or relating to the lawful design, marketing, manufacture,distribution, sale, or transfer of firearms or ammunition to the public. Theright to bring any such action is hereby reserved exclusively to theCommonwealth. Any action brought by the Commonwealth pursuant to this sectionshall be brought by the Attorney General on behalf of the Commonwealth.
This section shall not prohibit (i) a locality from bringing an actionagainst a firearms or ammunition marketer, manufacturer, distributor, dealer,seller, or trade association for breach of contract or warranty or negligenceas to firearms or ammunition purchased by the locality or (ii) an action forinjuries resulting from negligence or breach of warranty or contract.
The provisions of this section applicable to a locality shall also applyequally to any state governmental entity, including a department, agency, orauthority.
(2000, c. 674.)