§ 15.2-916. Prohibiting shooting of compound bows, crossbows, longbows andrecurve bows.
Any locality may prohibit the shooting of an arrow from a bow in a mannerthat can be reasonably expected to result in the impact of the arrow upon theproperty of another without permission from the owner or tenant of suchproperty. For the purposes of this section, "bow" includes all compoundbows, crossbows, longbows and recurve bows having a peak draw weight of tenpounds or more. The term "bow" does not include bows which have a peak drawof less than ten pounds or which are designed or intended to be usedprincipally as toys. The term "arrow" means a shaft-like projectileintended to be shot from a bow.
(1995, c. 284, § 15.1-518.2; 1997, c. 587.)