§ 15.2-922. Smoke detectors in certain buildings.
Any locality, notwithstanding any contrary provision of law, general orspecial, may by ordinance require that smoke detectors be installed in thefollowing structures or buildings: (i) any building containing one or moredwelling units, (ii) any hotel or motel regularly used or offered for, orintended to be used to provide overnight sleeping accommodations for one ormore persons, and (iii) rooming houses regularly used, offered for, orintended to be used to provide overnight sleeping accommodations. Smokedetectors installed pursuant to this section shall be installed inconformance with the provisions of the Uniform Statewide Building Code. Theordinance shall allow the type of smoke detector to be either batteryoperated or AC powered units. Such ordinance shall require that the owner ofany unit which is rented or leased, at the beginning of each tenancy and atleast annually thereafter, shall furnish the tenant with a certificate thatall required smoke detectors are present, have been inspected, and are ingood working order. Except for smoke detectors located in hallways,stairwells, and other public or common areas of multifamily buildings,interim testing, repair, and maintenance of smoke detectors in rented orleased units shall be the responsibility of the tenant; however, the ownershall be obligated to service, repair, or replace any malfunctioning smokedetectors within five days of receipt of written notice from the tenant thatsuch smoke detector is in need of service, repair, or replacement.
(1981, c. 324, § 15.1-29.9; 1984, c. 387; 1990, c. 184; 1997, c. 587.)