§ 15.2-926. Prohibiting loitering; frequenting amusements and curfew forminors; penalty.
A. Any locality may by ordinance prohibit loitering in, upon or around anypublic place, whether on public or private property. Any locality may byordinance also prohibit minors who are not attended by their parents fromfrequenting or being in public places, whether on public or private property,at such times, between 10:00 p.m. and 6:00 a.m., as the governing body deemsproper.
A violation of such ordinances by a minor shall be disposed of as provided in§§ 16.1-278.4 and 16.1-278.5.
B. A locality may by ordinance regulate the frequenting, playing in orloitering in public places of amusement by minors, and may prescribepunishment for violations of such ordinances not to exceed that prescribedfor a Class 3 misdemeanor.
C. Without limiting or restricting the general powers created by thissection, the term "public place" shall also include public libraries.
(Code 1950, § 15-8; 1954, c. 529; 1956, cc. 218, 664; 1956, Ex. Sess., c. 40;1958, c. 279; 1960, c. 606; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-514; 1968, c. 425; 1983, c.502, § 15.1-33.4; 1995, cc. 59, 658; 1997, c. 587; 1998, c. 865; 1999, c.1023; 2004, c. 462; 2009, c. 481.)