§ 15.2-933. Ordinances requiring delivery of garbage, trash and refuse tocertain facilities; exceptions.
Any ordinance requiring the delivery of all or any portion of the garbage,trash or refuse generated or disposed of within a locality to waste disposalfacilities located within or outside the locality, or otherwise prohibitingthe disposal of garbage, trash and refuse in or at any other place other thanthat provided for the purpose, shall not apply to garbage, trash and refusegenerated, purchased or utilized by an entity engaged in the business ofmanufacturing, mining, processing, refining or conversion except for anentity engaged in the production of energy or refuse-derived fuels for saleto a person other than any entity controlling, controlled by or under thesame control as the manufacturer, miner, processor, refiner or converter. Norshall such ordinance apply to (i) recyclable materials, which are thosematerials that have been source-separated by any person or materials thathave been separated from garbage, trash and refuse by any person forutilization in both cases as a raw material to be manufactured into a newproduct other than fuel or energy, (ii) construction debris to be disposed ofin a landfill or (iii) waste oil.
(1985, c. 558, § 15.1-28.03; 1997, c. 587.)