§ 15.2-937. Separation of solid waste.
A. Any locality may by ordinance require any person to separate solid wastefor collection and recycling. Any such ordinance shall specify the type ofmaterials to be separated. No such ordinance shall affect the right of anyperson to sell or otherwise dispose of waste material as provided in §15.2-933 or permitted under any other law of the Commonwealth, nor shall anysuch ordinance impose any liability upon any apartment or commercial officebuilding owner or manager for failure of tenants to comply with anyprovisions of the ordinance adopted pursuant to this section or upon anywaste hauler for failure of its customers to comply with such ordinance. Nosuch ordinance shall impose criminal penalties for failure to comply with itsprovisions; however, such ordinance may prescribe civil penalties forviolations of the provisions of the ordinance.
B. Any locality may by ordinance provide for the reasonable inspection at anylandfill within their jurisdiction of any tractor truck semitrailercombination with five or more axles transporting solid waste to any landfillwithin their jurisdiction to ensure separation of such solid waste inaccordance with all applicable state laws and regulations. In enforcing suchordinance, there shall be a rebuttable presumption that solid wastetransported from any jurisdiction which has comparable requirements for wasterecycling is in compliance with such ordinance.
C. For purposes of this section, the term "recycling" has the meaningascribed to it in § 10.1-1414.
(1988, c. 373, § 15.1-11.5; 1990, cc. 608, 961; 1992, c. 638; 1997, c. 587.)