§ 15.2-942. Local government participation in certain events.
Any locality may provide for the re-creation and portrayal of importanthistorical or cultural events associated with or which have taken placewithin the locality. Such locality may:
1. Enter into agreements with public or private nonprofit organizations tostage and promote such events;
2. Charge admission to such events, permit street vending, the sale of food,beverages, and merchandise related to and compatible with the objectives ofthe public celebration arranged for such events, or to delegate to suchorganizations the authority to do so;
3. Delegate to such organizations the collection of license fees from vendors;
4. Require a surety bond adequate to protect the public interest;
5. Restrict traffic on designated streets for the duration of the events; and
6. Make gifts by ordinance to such organizations from its treasury infurtherance of the re-creation and portrayal of such important historical orcultural events.
(1984, c. 588, § 15.1-28.6; 1997, c. 587.)