§ 15.2-947. Systems of public transportation for certain counties or cities.
Notwithstanding any other provision of law, the governing body of any countyor city not a member of a transportation district, upon finding a need for asystem of public transportation and the inability of the governing body toreach a reasonable agreement for membership with an existing transportationdistrict, may create, operate, maintain or contract for a system of publictransportation to be operated in such county or city for the safety, comfortand convenience of the public. The governing body of any such county or cityproviding a system of public transportation or desiring to provide such asystem may contract with any authority providing public transportation incontiguous localities for transportation services or the interchange ofpassengers for the purpose of providing continuous service between localities.
(1974, c. 325, § 15.1-526.2; 1975, c. 404; 1997, c. 587.)