§ 15.2-957. Participation by localities in certain leasing programs.
Any locality may participate in a program under § 8 (Housing AssistancePayments Program) of the United States Housing Act of 1937, as amended, onbehalf of eligible families or eligible persons leasing privately ownedhousing directly from owners or private leaseholders. Any such locality mayalso appropriate its own money for the same purposes for which federal fundsmay be employed under the provisions of such federal legislation as well asfor the purpose of increasing the payments to eligible families or eligiblepersons beyond federally approved levels when the fair market rent of therental unit is greater than that established by the United States Departmentof Housing and Urban Development.
If any power granted in the foregoing paragraph is held invalid, the otherremaining power shall not be affected thereby. If the application of thepower granted in the foregoing paragraph to any persons or circumstances isheld invalid, the application of the power to other persons shall not beaffected thereby. Nothing in the foregoing powers granted localities includesthe authority to pledge the full faith and credit of such locality inviolation of Article X, Section 10 of the Constitution of Virginia.
(1975, c. 534, § 15.1-29.6; 1976, c. 154; 1978, c. 592; 1997, c. 587.)