§ 15.2-965.1. Participation of small, women-, and minority-owned businesses.
A. Any locality may enact an ordinance providing that whenever there exists(i) a rational basis for small business enhancement, or (ii) a persuasiveanalysis that documents a statistically significant disparity between theavailability and utilization of women- and minority-owned businesses, thechief executive of the local governing entity shall be authorized andencouraged to require implementation of appropriate enhancement and remedialmeasures consistent with prevailing law.
B. A small, women-owned or minority-owned business that is certified by theDepartment of Minority Business Enterprises pursuant to § 2.2-1403 shall notbe required by any locality to obtain any additional certification toparticipate in any program designed to enhance the participation of suchbusinesses as vendors or to remedy any documented disparity.
(2004, cc. 865, 891; 2006, cc. 831, 921; 2009, c. 869.)