§ 15.2-968. Regulation of parking of vehicles within boundaries ofstate-supported institutions.
Any county or city may, upon request of the governing body of anystate-supported institution lying wholly or partially within the county orcity, regulate the parking of motor vehicles and all other vehicles on theroads, streets, alleys, grounds and other areas within such portions of theboundaries of such institution as lie within the county or city.
Any city adopting an ordinance pursuant to this section may provide in theordinance that regulations made pursuant to this section shall be enforced bypersons appointed under § 19.2-13. No penalty for the violation of any suchordinance shall exceed a fine of twenty dollars. Any request from thegoverning body of any such institution to the governing body of the county orcity shall be in writing and signed by the presiding officers of theinstitution's governing body and shall be accompanied by a certified copy ofa resolution of such governing body authorizing the request to be made.
The circuit court for any county or city which has adopted an ordinancepursuant to this section shall have jurisdiction to try cases arising undersuch ordinance to the same extent as criminal cases arising in the county orcity. The provisions of this section shall not affect the application of §§46.2-1231 through 46.2-1234.
(Code 1950, § 15-6.1; 1952, c. 472; 1962, c. 623, § 15.1-516; 1964, c. 245;1997, c. 587.)