§ 15.2-979. Notice of sale under deed of trust.
A. Any locality in Planning District 8 may adopt an ordinance to require thata notice be given to the chief administrative officer or designee of thatlocality when residential property located within that locality becomessubject to a sale under a deed of trust.
B. The notice authorized by this section shall:
1. Be made by the person authorized to conduct the sale under the deed oftrust;
2. Be given no later than when the notices required under § 55-59.1 are given;
3. Include (i) the street address of the residential property, (ii) the nameof all property owners, and (iii) the name and contact information, includingtelephone number, of the person filing the notice.
C. For residential properties described in subsection A, if the mortgage loansecured by the deed of trust has been registered with a national mortgageloan electronic registration system to which the locality has access andwhich registry includes a unique mortgage identification number specific tothe loan and which number is tied to the name of the borrower, the streetaddress of the property, and contact information consisting of the name,telephone number, and electronic address, if any, of the current mortgagelender or mortgage loan service provider and of the current propertypreservation contact, then the person authorized to conduct the sale underthe deed of trust shall not have to give the locality the notice described inthis section and shall be deemed to have complied with any such ordinance.
D. For purposes of this section, "residential property" means single-familydetached dwellings, single-family attached dwellings, and individualresidential condominium units.
(2009, c. 803.)