§ 16.1-223. Receipt, etc., of data; forms for reports; confidentiality.
A. The Virginia Juvenile Justice Information System shall receive, classifyand file data reported to it pursuant to § 16.1-224. The Director isauthorized to prepare and furnish to all court service personnel automateddata processing equipment, which shall be used for making the datasubmissions.
B. Data stored in the Virginia Juvenile Justice Information System shall beconfidential, and information from such data that may be used to identify ajuvenile may be released only in accordance with § 16.1-300.
The data submissions may be made available to the Central Criminal RecordsExchange or any other automated data processing system, unless the data isidentifiable with a particular juvenile. The State Board of Juvenile Justiceshall promulgate regulations governing the security and confidentiality ofthe data submission.
(1976, c. 589; 1978, c. 684; 1988, c. 541; 2001, cc. 203, 215.)