§ 16.1-224. Data submissions by court service units.
A. All court service units serving juvenile and domestic relations districtcourts shall make data submissions to the Virginia Juvenile JusticeInformation System of any persons referred to an intake officer of a courtservice unit pursuant to § 16.1-260, except that no data submission shall berequired for a juvenile charged with a traffic infraction as defined in §46.2-100.
B. In the case of a juvenile who is alleged to be delinquent and who isreferred to a court service unit pursuant to § 16.1-260, the data submissionsrequired by subsection A of this section shall contain the name, date ofbirth and, if any, the social security number of the juvenile before thecourt. The data submissions concerning all other children coming before ajuvenile and domestic relations district court, except those charged withtraffic infractions, may in accordance with standards adopted by theDepartment of Juvenile Justice, contain information identifying the child.
C. The court service unit shall make a data submission to the VirginiaJuvenile Justice Information System of the final disposition of each casereported to the System. When the court service unit reports a disposition ofa case which is other than a finding of guilty, the name and other personalidentification of the juvenile shall be deleted from the data submissionsrequired by subsection B of this section and from the report of finaldisposition required by this subsection.
(1976, c. 589; 1978, c. 684; 1988, c. 541.)