§ 16.1-227. Purpose and intent.
This law shall be construed liberally and as remedial in character, and thepowers hereby conferred are intended to be general to effect the beneficialpurposes herein set forth. It is the intention of this law that in allproceedings the welfare of the child and the family, the safety of thecommunity and the protection of the rights of victims are the paramountconcerns of the Commonwealth and to the end that these purposes may beattained, the judge shall possess all necessary and incidental powers andauthority, whether legal or equitable in their nature.
This law shall be interpreted and construed so as to effectuate the followingpurposes:
1. To divert from or within the juvenile justice system, to the extentpossible, consistent with the protection of the public safety, those childrenwho can be cared for or treated through alternative programs;
2. To provide judicial procedures through which the provisions of this laware executed and enforced and in which the parties are assured a fair hearingand their constitutional and other rights are recognized and enforced;
3. To separate a child from such child's parents, guardian, legal custodianor other person standing in loco parentis only when the child's welfare isendangered or it is in the interest of public safety and then only afterconsideration of alternatives to out-of-home placement which afford effectiveprotection to the child, his family, and the community; and
4. To protect the community against those acts of its citizens, bothjuveniles and adults, which are harmful to others and to reduce the incidenceof delinquent behavior and to hold offenders accountable for their behavior.
(Code 1950, § 16.1-140; 1956, c. 555; 1977, c. 559; 1990, c. 554; 1991, c.392; 1996, cc. 755, 914.)