§ 16.1-234. Duties of Department; provision of quarters, utilities, andoffice equipment to court service unit.
The Director shall cause the Department to study the conditions existing inthe several cities and counties, to confer with the judges of the juvenileand domestic relations district courts, the directors and boards of socialservices, and other appropriate officials, as the case may be, and to plan,establish and operate unless otherwise provided an adequate and coordinatedprogram of probation, parole and related services to all juvenile anddomestic relations district courts in counties or cities heretofore served byregional juvenile and domestic relations courts, and where specializedprobation, parole and related court services were not provided as of July 1,1973, and to counties and cities that request a development of a courtservice unit with the approval of the governing bodies after consultationwith the chief juvenile and domestic relations district court judge.
In each county and city in which there is located an office for a statejuvenile and domestic relations district court service unit such jurisdictionshall provide suitable quarters and utilities, including telephone service,for such court service unit staff. Such county or city shall also provide allnecessary furniture and furnishings for the efficient operation of the unit.When such court service unit serves counties or cities in addition to thecounty or city where the office is located, the jurisdiction or jurisdictionsso served shall share proportionately, based on the population of thejurisdictions, in the cost of the quarters and utilities, including telephoneservice and necessary furniture and furnishings. All other office equipmentand supplies, including postage, shall be furnished by the Commonwealth andshall be paid out of the appropriation for criminal charges.
In counties and cities that provided specialized court service programs priorto July 1, 1973, which do not request the development of a state-operatedcourt service unit, it shall be the duty of the Department to insure thatminimum standards established by the State Board are adhered to, to conferwith the judges of the juvenile and domestic relations district court andother appropriate officials as the case may be, and to assist in thecontinued development and extension of an adequate and coordinated program ofcourt services, probation, parole and detention facilities and otherspecialized services and facilities to such juvenile and domestic relationsdistrict courts.
(Code 1950, § 16.1-204; 1956, c. 555; 1972, c. 708; 1973, c. 546; 1974, c.641; 1977, c. 559; 1979, c. 700; 2001, c. 853.)