§ 16.1-235. How probation, parole and related court services provided.
Probation, parole and related court services shall be provided through thefollowing means:
A. State court service units. - The Department shall develop and operateprobation, parole and related court services in counties or cities heretoforeserved by regional juvenile and domestic relations district courts and wherespecialized probation, parole and related court services were not provided asof July 1, 1973, and make such services available to juvenile and domesticrelations district courts, as required by this chapter and by regulationsestablished by the Board. All other counties or cities may request thedevelopment of a state-operated court service unit with the approval of theirgoverning bodies after consultation with the chief judge of the juvenile anddomestic relations district court of such jurisdiction.
B. Local units. - In counties and cities providing specialized court servicesas of July 1, 1973, who do not request the development of a state-operatedcourt service unit, the governing body or bodies of the district shallappoint one or more suitable persons as probation and parole officers andrelated court service personnel in accordance with established qualificationsand regulations and shall develop and operate probation, parole, detentionand related court services.
The transfer, demotion, or separation of probation officers and related courtservice personnel appointed pursuant to this subsection shall be under theauthority of the governing body or bodies of the district and shall be onlyfor good cause shown, after consulting with the judge or judges of thatjuvenile and domestic relations district court, in accordance with theVirginia Personnel Act (§ 2.2-2900 et seq.) and after due notice andopportunity to be heard.
C. A county or city that is providing court services through a state-operatedcourt services unit, with the approval of its governing body afterconsultation with the chief judge of the juvenile and domestic relationsdistrict court of the jurisdiction, may cease providing services through astate-operated court services unit and commence operation as a local unit,subject to all laws, regulations, policies and procedures applicable to alocal unit.
(Code 1950, § 16.1-205; 1956, c. 555; 1972, cc. 73, 708; 1973, c. 546; 1974,cc. 44, 45, 673; 1977, c. 559; 2001, c. 853; 2002, c. 510; 2003, c. 648.)