§ 16.1-236. Supervisory officers.
In any court where more than one probation or parole officer or other courtservices staff has been appointed under the provisions of this law, one ormore probation or parole officers may be designated to serve in a supervisoryposition, other than court services unit director, by the Director, if it isa state-operated court services unit, or by the local governing body, if itis a locally operated court services unit.
The transfer, demotion, or separation of supervisory officers, other thancourt services unit directors, of state court service units shall be underthe authority of the Director and shall be only for good cause shown, afterconsulting with the judge or judges of that juvenile and domestic relationsdistrict court, and in accordance with the Virginia Personnel Act (§2.2-2900 et seq.). The transfer, demotion or separation of supervisoryofficers of local court service units shall be under the authority of thelocal governing body and shall be only for good cause shown, after consultingwith the judge or judges of that juvenile and domestic relations districtcourt and after due notice and opportunity to be heard.
(Code 1950, § 16.1-207; 1956, c. 555; 1972, c. 708; 1973, c. 546; 1974, c.673; 1977, c. 559; 2001, c. 853; 2003, c. 648.)