§ 16.1-240. Citizens advisory council.
A. The governing bodies of each county and city served by a court serviceunit may appoint one or more members to a citizens advisory council, in totalnot to exceed fifteen members; and the chief judge of the juvenile anddomestic relations district court may appoint one or more members to theadvisory council, in total not to exceed five members. The duties of thecouncil shall be as follows:
1. To advise and cooperate with the court upon all matters affecting theworking of this law and other laws relating to children, their care andprotection and to domestic relations;
2. To consult and confer with the court and director of the court serviceunit from time to time relative to the development and extension of the courtservice program;
3. To encourage the member selected by the council to serve on the centraladvisory council to visit, as often as the member conveniently can,institutions and associations receiving children under this law, and toreport to the court from time to time and at least annually in its reportmade pursuant to subdivision 5 hereof the conditions and surroundings of thechildren received by or in charge of any such persons, institutions orassociations;
4. To make themselves familiar with the work of the court under this law;
5. To make an annual report to the court and the participating governingbodies on the work of the council.
B. Traveling expenses of the members of the citizens advisory council shallbe paid from funds appropriated to the Department of Juvenile Justice inaccordance with rules and regulations adopted by the State Board.
C. If the governing body does not exercise its option to appoint a citizensadvisory council pursuant to subsection A of this section, the judge of thejuvenile and domestic relations district court may appoint an advisory boardof citizens, not to exceed fifteen members, who shall perform the same dutiesas provided in this section.
D. One member selected by each citizens advisory council shall serve on acentral advisory council to consult and confer with the Director and otherappropriate staff of the Department to assist in carrying out the objectivesof the court service program, insofar as possible.
(Code 1950, § 16.1-157; 1956, c. 555; 1968, c. 435; 1977, c. 559; 1989, c.733.)