§ 16.1-241.3. Newborn children; substance abuse.
Upon the filing of a petition, within twenty-one days of a child's birth,alleging that an investigation has been commenced in response to a report ofsuspected abuse or neglect of the child based upon a factor specified insubsection B of § 63.2-1509, the court may enter any order authorizedpursuant to this chapter which the court deems necessary to protect thehealth and welfare of the child pending final disposition of theinvestigation pursuant to Chapter 15 (§ 63.2-1500 et seq.) of Title 63.2 orother proceedings brought pursuant to this chapter. Such orders may include,but shall not be limited to, an emergency removal order pursuant to §16.1-251, a preliminary protective order pursuant to § 16.1-253 or an orderauthorized pursuant to subdivisions 1 through 4 of subsection A of §16.1-278.2. The fact that an order was entered pursuant to this section shallnot be admissible as evidence in any criminal, civil or administrativeproceeding other than a proceeding to enforce the order.
The order shall be effective for a limited duration not to exceed the periodof time necessary to conclude the investigation and any proceedings initiatedpursuant to Chapter 15 (§ 63.2-1500 et seq.) of Title 63.2, but shall be afinal order subject to appeal.
(1998, cc. 704, 716; 2002, c. 860.)