§ 16.1-255. Limitation on issuance of detention orders for juveniles;appearance by juvenile.
No detention order shall be issued for any juvenile except when authorized bythe judge or intake officer of a juvenile court or by a magistrate asprovided in § 16.1-256.
In matters involving the issuance of detention orders each state or localcourt service unit shall ensure the capability of a prompt response by anintake officer who is either on duty or on call.
A child may appear before an intake officer either (i) by personal appearancebefore the intake officer or (ii) by the use of two-way electronic video andaudio communication. All communications and proceedings shall be conducted inthe same manner and the intake officer shall have the same powers as if theappearance were in person. Any documents filed may be transmitted byfacsimile and the facsimile and any signatures thereon shall serve, for allpurposes, as an original document. Any two-way electronic video and audiocommunication system used shall comply with the provisions of subsection B of§ 19.2-3.1.
(1977, c. 559; 1985, c. 260; 1996, cc. 755, 914; 1997, c. 862; 2002, c. 700.)