§ 16.1-266.1. Standards for attorneys appointed as guardians ad litem; listof qualified attorneys.
A. On or before January 1, 1995, the Judicial Council of Virginia, inconjunction with the Virginia State Bar and the Virginia Bar Association,shall adopt standards for attorneys appointed as guardians ad litem pursuantto § 16.1-266. The standards shall, in so far as practicable, take intoconsideration the following criteria: (i) license or permission to practicelaw in Virginia, (ii) current training in the roles, responsibilities andduties of guardian ad litem representation, (iii) familiarity with the courtsystem and general background in juvenile law, and (iv) demonstratedproficiency in this area of the law.
B. The Judicial Council shall maintain a list of attorneys admitted topractice law in Virginia who are qualified to serve as guardians ad litembased upon the standards and shall make the names available to the courts. Ifno attorney who is on the list is reasonably available, a judge in hisdiscretion, may appoint any discreet and competent attorney who is admittedto practice law in Virginia.
(1994, c. 36; 1995, c. 273.)