§ 16.1-266.2. Appointment of pro bono counsel by judges of the First andSecond Judicial District in certain cases.
The judges of the juvenile and domestic relations district court of the Firstand Second Judicial District are authorized to appoint pro bono counsel foralleged victims in family abuse cases in which the court is authorized toissue a preliminary protective order under § 16.1-253.1, or an emergencyprotective order under § 16.1-253.4. Such counsel shall have no prosecutorialauthority except as granted in writing by the attorney for the Commonwealthfor the jurisdiction in which the representation is to occur.
Any attorney appointed under the provisions of this section shall be avolunteer and serve without compensation and shall be subject to any rulesadopted by the court and approved by the Virginia Supreme Court providing forthe establishment and conduct of a project providing pro bono services tovictims of family abuse.
(1995, c. 806.)