§ 16.1-278.7:02. Department to give notice of Sex Offender and Crimes AgainstMinors Registry requirements to certain persons.
A. Prior to the release or discharge of any persons for whom registrationwith the Sex Offender and Crimes Against Minors Registry is required pursuantto Chapter 9 (§ 9.1-900 et seq.) of Title 9.1, the Department shall givenotice to the persons of his duty to register with the State Police. A personrequired to register shall register, submit to be photographed as part of theregistration, and provide information regarding place of employment, ifavailable, to the Department. The Department shall also obtain from thatperson all necessary registration information, including fingerprints andphotographs of a type and kind approved by the Department of State Police;inform the person of his duties regarding reregistration and change ofaddress; and inform the person of his duty to register. The Department ofJuvenile Justice shall forward the registration information to the Departmentof State Police on the date of the person's release or discharge.
B. Whenever a person required to register has failed to comply with theprovisions of subsection A, the Department shall promptly investigate orrequest the State Police promptly investigate and, if there is probable causeto believe a violation has occurred, obtain a warrant or assist in obtainingan indictment charging a violation of § 18.2-472.1 in the jurisdiction inwhich the person was discharged. The Department shall notify the State Policeforthwith of such actions taken pursuant to this section.
(2006, cc. 857, 914.)