§ 16.1-278.8:01. Juveniles found delinquent of first drug offense; screening;assessment; drug tests; costs and fees; education or treatment programs.
Whenever any juvenile who has not previously been found delinquent of anyoffense under Article 1 (§ 18.2-247 et seq.) of Chapter 7 of Title 18.2 orunder any statute of the United States or of any state relating to narcoticdrugs, marijuana, or stimulant, depressant or hallucinogenic drugs, or hasnot previously had a proceeding against him for a violation of such anoffense dismissed as provided in § 18.2-251, is found delinquent of anyoffense concerning the use, in any manner, of drugs, controlled substances,narcotics, marijuana, noxious chemical substances and like substances, thejuvenile court or the circuit court shall require such juvenile to undergo asubstance abuse screening pursuant to § 16.1-273 and to submit to suchperiodic substance abuse testing, to include alcohol testing, as may bedirected by the court. Such testing shall be conducted by a court servicesunit of the Department of Juvenile Justice, or by a locally operated courtservices unit or by personnel of any program or agency approved by theDepartment. The cost of such testing ordered by the court shall be paid bythe Commonwealth from funds appropriated to the Department for this purpose.The court shall also order the juvenile to undergo such treatment oreducation program for substance abuse, if available, as the court deemsappropriate based upon consideration of the substance abuse assessment. Thetreatment or education shall be provided by a program licensed by theDepartment of Behavioral Health and Developmental Services or by a similarprogram available through a facility or program operated by or under contractto the Department of Juvenile Justice or a locally operated court servicesunit or a program funded through the Virginia Juvenile Community CrimeControl Act (§ 16.1-309.2 et seq.).
(2000, cc. 1020, 1041; 2009, cc. 813, 840.)