§ 16.1-280. Commitment of juveniles with mental illness or mental retardation.
When any juvenile court has found a juvenile to be in need of services ordelinquent pursuant to the provisions of this law and reasonably believessuch juvenile has mental illness or mental retardation, the court may commithim to an appropriate hospital or order mandatory outpatient treatment inaccordance with the provisions of Article 16 (§ 16.1-335 et seq.) of thischapter or admit him to a training center in accordance with the provisionsof § 37.2-806 for observation as to his mental condition. No juvenile shallbe committed pursuant to this section or Article 16 (§ 16.1-335 et seq.) ofthis chapter to a maximum security unit within any state hospital whereadults determined to be criminally insane reside. However, the Commissionerof Behavioral Health and Developmental Services may place a juvenile who hasbeen certified to the circuit court for trial as an adult pursuant to §16.1-269.6 or 16.1-270 or who has been convicted as an adult of a felony inthe circuit court in a unit appropriate for the care and treatment of personsunder a criminal charge when, in his discretion, such placement is necessaryto protect the security or safety of other patients, staff or public. TheCommissioner shall notify the committing court of any placement in such unit.The committing court shall review the placement at thirty-day intervals.
(Code 1950, § 16.1-178.2; 1960, c. 103; 1974, cc. 44, 45; 1977, c. 559; 1978,c. 739; 1981, c. 487; 1988, c. 826; 1990, c. 975; 1994, cc. 859, 949; 2009,cc. 813, 840; 2010, cc. 778, 825.)