§ 16.1-297. Final judgment; copy filed with juvenile court; proceeding may beremanded to juvenile court.
Upon the rendition of final judgment upon an appeal from the juvenile anddomestic relations district court, the circuit court shall cause a copy ofits judgment to be filed with the juvenile court within twenty-one days ofentry of its order, which shall thereupon become the judgment of the juvenilecourt. In the event such circuit court does not dismiss the proceedings ordischarge such child or adult, the circuit court may remand the child oradult to the jurisdiction of the juvenile court for its supervision and care,under the terms of its order or judgment, and thereafter such child or adultshall be and remain under the jurisdiction of the juvenile court in the samemanner as if such court had rendered the judgment in the first instance.
(Code 1950, § 16.1-215; 1956, c. 555; 1977, c. 559; 1996, c. 828.)