§ 16.1-305.1. Disclosure of disposition in certain delinquency cases.
Upon a court's disposition of a proceeding where a juvenile is charged with acrime listed in subsection G of § 16.1-260 in which a juvenile is adjudicateddelinquent, convicted, found not guilty or the charges are reduced, the clerkof the court in which the disposition is entered shall, within 15 days of theexpiration of the appeal period, if there has been no notice of an appeal,provide written notice of the disposition ordered by the court, including thenature of the offense upon which the disposition was based, to thesuperintendent of the school division in which the child is enrolled at thetime of the disposition or, if he is not then enrolled in school, thedivision in which he was enrolled at the time of the offense. If the courtdefers disposition, or the charges are nolle prosequi, withdrawn, ordismissed the clerk shall, within 15 days of such action, provide writtennotice of such action to the superintendent of the school division in whichthe child is enrolled at such time or, if he is not then enrolled in school,the division in which he was enrolled at the time of the offense. If chargesare withdrawn in intake or handled informally without a court disposition,the intake officer shall, within 15 days of such action, provide writtennotification of the action to the superintendent of the school division inwhich the child is enrolled at that time or, if he is not then enrolled inschool, the division in which he was enrolled at the time of the offense.
If the child is not enrolled in the school division that receivesnotification under this section, the superintendent of that division mayforward the notification to the superintendent of the school division wherethe child is enrolled.
A superintendent who receives notification under this section may disclosethe information received to anyone to whom he or a principal disclosed that apetition had been filed. Further disclosure of information received underthis section by the superintendent to school personnel is authorized only asprovided in § 22.1-288.2.
(1993, cc. 645, 889; 1994, cc. 835, 913; 1996, cc. 755, 914; 1997, c. 371;1999, c. 952; 2003, c. 119.)