§ 16.1-309.10. Visitation and management of detention homes; otherfacilities; reports of superintendent.
In the event that a detention home, group home or other residential carefacility for children in need of services or delinquent or alleged delinquentyouth is established by a county, city, or any combination thereof, it shallbe subject to visitation, inspection and regulation by the State Board or itsagents, and shall be furnished and operated so far as possible as a familyhome under the management of a superintendent. It shall be the duty of thesuperintendent to furnish the Department such reports and other statisticaldata relating to the operation of such detention homes, group homes or otherresidential care facilities for children in need of services or delinquent oralleged delinquent youth as may be required by the Director.
(1995, cc. 698, 840.)